Body Blueprint Co.

Our Mission:



If you are considering bariatric surgery or have already had your surgery and you want to ensure you don’t re-gain or perhaps are experiencing re-gain and feeling frustrated and defeated, you’re in the right place.

We give bariatric patients the confidence, power and skills necessary so that they achieve their health goals and maintain them over their lifetime.

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bariatric surgery success stories

Our Mission

To elevate humanity by providing the highest quality virtual support services to people in the bariatric community so that they have the best chances of lifetime success.


What do you get?

In all of our programs, you get access to resources for all phases of the surgery journey. Depending on which program you choose, you’ll get varying levels of access to a bariatric coach, customized success plans and the following:

*execution guides that empower you to create the habit change necessary for long term weight loss success

*recipes, meal planning, and meal prep ideas for the bariatric patient that include macros, 1200 calorie plans, and more so keeping with your surgeon’s guidelines is as easy as possible

*access to a forum of people who are going through it with you so you can ask questions, support others, and share ideas with your peers

*an accountability partner who understands the life of the bariatric patient

*so much more!

Who We Are

3 month pre bariatric surgery diet


Christi is a member of the bariatric community who’s lost over 100 pounds since her surgery. She knows the challenges that are unique to pre- and post surgery patients and brings a deep understanding to Body Blueprint.

gastric bypass surgery


Lori is a certified personal trainer, certified nutrition coach, and weight loss specialist who was inspired by her sister’s transformation to pivot her business into providing support and coaching services to bariatric patients. Her passion for nutrition and inspiring people to create positive change drives her on a daily basis.


Our Programs


body blueprint: the membership

Our signature program, geared toward those who are in the post-op stages of their bariatric journey, where you will find the virtual support group, challenges, recipes, restaurant and event guidance and monthly live coaching. New content is added every month, with a different topic or theme. The Membership is an ongoing program that is paid on a monthly or annual basis.


body blueprint: the intensive

This is for the patient who desires one-on-one coaching for their journey. Intensive clients have text access to a coach as well as weekly meetings via Zoom or telephone. Space is extremely limited. The Intensive is a 6 month program that can be paid over time or a one time fee.

Single pre-surgery or post-surgery sessions

For the patient who is looking for some extra support and strategies to implement their surgical team’s guidelines to prepare for surgery or for early success after recovery.

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How do I work with Body Blueprint?

It’s easy to get started! Simply choose the program(s) below that best meet your current needs and follow the instructions.


Body blueprint: the membership

The Membership is open to everyone in all stages so that they can get started right away. Free weekly workshops will provide the information you need to get started.

Member onboarding happens every Monday. Sign up for your space in the onboarding free workshop below.

Body blueprint: the intensive

The Intensive opens quarterly for a very limited number of clients. Click the button below to get on the waitlist and receive the application to complete in the meantime.

body blueprint: the course

The Course consists of several courses sold a’la carte. You can purchase one, two, or all of them if you wish. Click below to shop our courses.

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